On weekends, who wishes to enjoy the scenery and activities of the area can have lunch at the Panela Velha Restaurant located in the Parque São Luiz do Purunã Inn. It serves homemade food and on Sundays rural specialties. On the second Sunday of the month it serves ribs grilled on a camp fire. On Saturdays there is a lovely afternoon tea.
Address: Rodovia do Café, BR-376, km 553,50 – 46 km do Parque Barigui.
E-mail: pousadaparque@hotmail.com
Website: www.pousadaparque.com.br
Telephones: (41) 3651-1166, Whats (41) 9 9127-1682 e (41) 9 9118-4756
*Open Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Visitors need prior reservation.